We have 3 basic types of memberships: Player, Social and Lifetime. There are multiple dues payment options in each category. Dues Credits are earned by the player for volunteering to support local community events endorsed by DARC. Work one event and get one dues credit, and etc.
Choose your option below. You’ll be taken to a PayPal shopping cart and given the options to verify your selection and choose payment type.
If you’re unsure which is right for you, or you have any questions regarding dues, contact the treasurer.
Active players are also required to get USA Rugby CIPP. This registration is valid from September through August annually. Get your USA Rugby CIPP HERE.
Player dues are $250.00 per season.
Rookie dues (first season with DARC) are $100.00.
Player dues with 1 dues credit are $200.00.
Player dues with 2 dues credits are $150.00.
Player dues with 3 dues credits are $100.00.
Social Dues are $100.00 annually.
Social Dues with one credit are $75.00.
Social Dues with 2 credits are $50.00.
Lifetime dues are $1000.00.
Senior Lifetime dues are $500.00.